“People aren’t going to explore your brand unless they get a visual cue first”

Client: Sophia Sunwoo of Ascent Strategy

Client: Sophia Sunwoo of Ascent Strategy

Startup business coach and recent client Sophia shared the two most important reasons why she decided to invest in photos.

1. Walk the walk

“As an online business with clients all over the world, I need to visually represent myself in a way that really captures the essence of who I am as a person, a coach and a community my clients. My photos on my site and Instagram are an invitation to explore the captions and everything else about my brand.”

2. Stand out from the competition

“I have to consider the competitive landscape when my clients are thinking of working with me. How do I look compared to the other coaches out there? How do I articulate who I am as a business in a way that it's gonna really resonate with the person I want to work with?”

How are you telling your story and standing out from the competition?

Raj Bandyopadhyay

Personal Branding Photographer in Toronto, working throughout US and Canada


Walking the walk: Sophia’s personal branding experience


Show up how you want to be seen, everyone else will get the memo!