Personal Brand & Stage Photography for Speakers, Coaches, and Consultants

Bringing your story and the foundation of your brand to life with photos that create connection, showcase empathy, and build authority in your industry.

The man behind the lens.

I’m Raj, a computer scientist turned personal brand photographer, trained speaker, and relationship coach. After two decades in the tech field, I left to pursue an unconventional passion— photography. Along the way, I found joy and freedom in telling my story and now I help my clients do the same.

My mission is to help you feel safe to express yourself fully as a human being. I believe that the best way for you to build your personal brand is to build a deep, genuine, loving connection – not just with your ideal audience, but with yourself.

You have a story to tell, and my goal is to help you find it and bring it to life not just through photos but through the confidence you’ll walk away with after working with me.

How we can work together

A simulated speaker event designed to get you the best ‘action’ shots on stage (perfect lighting, the best angles, all the images you wish you could get from your real speaking gigs) so you can can book more speaking gigs and take your speaker brand to the next level.

The Icon Experience

A 1-1 full service experience to help you find that unique story and foundation for your brand and bring it to life through photography. This intimate experience will prep you so you feel confident and ready to share your message, connect with dream clients, and become the authority in your industry.

Personal Brand Photography

The Icon Experience

Get the stage photos you need to book more gigs

What’s the story YOU want to tell?

That’s the first question I ask my clients. Once we have uncovered that story through conversation, we visualize the story using a mood board, embody it during the photo session, and communicate it through stunning images that show your beautiful, multifaceted, vibrant self. Your photos are going to be real, emotional and powerful - not just pretty and Instagrammy.

Wondering what that looks like? Check out these client stories.

Grab a free resource

The Guide to 5 Brand Story Types

You have a story to tell. Yes, you! That story is the foundation of your brand.

When you tell the right stories, your branding becomes more focused and speaks directly to the intended audience.

This guide is designed to help you find that story, bring it to life and connect to your dream clients on a more intimate level.

What People Are Saying About My Work!

  • Meghna Majmudar

    “ The process made me come back to myself. I operate in a way where I lose myself to my work and the people I’m working with. Going through the process itself changed what I was looking for, because there’s a lot of digestion that happens during the process.”

  • Marcia Dawood

    “I’ve done vision boards before for future plans, but I had never done something like this for myself or my brand. The exercise made me think about things I would never have otherwise.”

  • Kat O'Sullivan

    “My personality, my style – it has to be authentic because I want to attract like-minded people who value who I am and how I go about what I do. It’s very personal and vulnerable. That’s a keyword: vulnerable. You can hide in a business. You cannot hide in a personal brand. Focusing on my personal brand has helped me really show up.”

  • Jackie Jackson

    “I would say really anybody should do this if they want to have an experience of learning a lot more about themselves and how beautiful they are, just as they are.”