Personal Branding Shoot with Janel Vitale

In late 2019, my friend and relationship coach Janel Vitale of Love with Janel, reached out to me to do a personal branding shoot.

Janel wanted the shoot to convey her unique personality: her infectious laughter, her sense of humor and her sensual nature. However, she wanted to make sure the pictures still looked professional and depicted her as the authority that she is around relationships and sex.

We settled on a variety of moods: mostly joyful, but some a little flirtatious and sensual, and some which were more confident and badass. We did the shoot partly in my studio space (at that time) in Berkeley, and partly in a rented location.

Check out Janel’s Instagram to see how she has used many of these photos over the last few months! Having a variety of images conveying different moods and outfits can set you up for social media success, as you can pick the image that matches what you want to convey. It takes a little bit of planning, which is why my planning process will help you identify your values and how to convey them.

Raj Bandyopadhyay

Personal Branding Photographer in Toronto, working throughout US and Canada

Personal branding shoot with relationship coaches Janel and Patrick


Black, trans and unapologetic - a creative shoot with Galen Taylor